About theMetropolitan Owners Club of North America
The Metropolitan Owners Club of North America (MOCNA) was founded in 1975 by Dick Maize of Somerset, PA. At present time
there are over 2400 members. A monthly newletter called "The Gazette" is sent to each memberwith helpfull technical tips,
club activities and a "For sale and Wanted" section for all those hard to find parts. Once a year a membership roster is sent
to each member. There are six regions and 29 chapters throughout the United States and Canada, and new ones are always being
Reasons for the Metropolitan Owners Club
1.To bring together all those people who, Own, Admire and Enjoy The Metropolitan.
2. To share information, give advice, and lend a hand to any "Met" owner who may need it.
3. To get together and have good times telling each other how great our "Mets" are.
4. To build a supply of information and parts to be shared by all club members.
5. For a list of venders that supply us with parts and a parts interchange list.
Events and Meets
Each year regional clubs hold several meets across the country, so all members can attend regardless of location,
and on every other year (the oddone) a internation meet is held.